My mommy

My mommy
the picture that made me want to get my life together

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bae-bae (in my new orleans voice) what a workout

As promised I would not be behind in my blogging.

Yesterday Morning, I woke up and hit the track at Morehouse with my new workout partner and what a workout it was. To give you a little background on who I was working out with, he is a 6'9 pro basketball player over seas, keep this in mind as I describe the workout I fought to keep up with.

The Warm-Up: The warm-up that I have been used to doing is 50 jumping jacks, back peddling around the track (running backwards) once, followed by a regular lap around the track, reasonable enough. According to him, a warm-up is a mile (now to a lot of people running a mile is a workout!) I did not let him see that I was sweating about this being the warm-up so I asked are we going to run the straights and jog the curves?[in reference to the track] He informed me that we would not be on the track at all, we would be running around the fence of the football field, twice around is a mile. I have to admit the thought of only going around twice was MUCH better than the thought of running around the track 4 times. The mile was also like a mini obstacle course because there were mini hills we had to run and steps to climb as well. On the first lap I did great, kept up the whole time the start of the second lap, I had to take a mini break to drink some water, but other than that I did pretty good keeping up if I may say so myself.

Steps: After being tired from the warm-up it was time to move to the stadium steps (as crazy as it sounds I love stadium steps, it just makes my legs look so good!) First time up, was just a regular sprint up the steps. Second time up, we went up side stepping the steps, this makes the process going up so much longer and the leading leg is on fire when you get to the top.  Third time up, high knees. Fourth time up the stairs we bounce up the steps (its kind of hard to explain this so meet me at the track on tuesday we can do them together) Fifth time up the stairs, skipped steps while running. Sixth time up the stairs (final time) one last race to the top (I won this one btw). When I got to the top this time I sat down.

I watched: I had to sit down when I reached the top on the last set of stairs, it had been a while since I had a good work out on the steps, so I wanted to catch my breath. While I sat he then went to the football field, and did sprints. He ran end-zone to end-zone a few times. Once I finally caught my breath I walked down and I had to do at least  one sprint. After doing the sprint I was ready to pass out, that's when he told me, lets do a cool down lap.

The Cool down:  The cool down was a lap around the track walking. During this time he told me the rest of the workout that we didn't do, this included: repeating the stadium steps routine four more times, running up and down the hills 10 times, suicides on the football field, more sprints, and finally the weight room. He must have seen my facial expression ( I really need to work on my facial expression, it tells on my every time) and he said don't worry after you do it a few times it will be easier to do. I told him that I don't know if I can do all of that, but eventually I want to be able too.

His Goal for me: He told me, don't worry about trying to keep up with me, and doing everything just like me, its the fact that you are out here, doing something. Just try to do at least one of everything before you give up, you will be surprised how far you will go.


  1. Awww.. yayyy!! I think i would be motivated if a fine sexy 6'9 pro basketball player would workout with me.. I might even be willing to try hard to beat him lol!! :)
    Aww im proud of you.. Im def tryna be like you when i grow up, but as for right now im trying to accomplish keeping my weight up cuz it keep dropping cuz i only intake one meal a day!! & i need my booty lol!

  2. your mom looks great but so does your aunts! we are a hard habit to follow. LOL
