My mommy

My mommy
the picture that made me want to get my life together

Monday, November 29, 2010

I need a little Help from my viewers

Hello everyone!

There is not a day that goes by that I do not hear from someone and they tell me they read my blog and that they have been exercising. You all truly just don't know how much hearing about what you have been doing is inspiring to me as well and I want to be able to share your inspiration with others. So for my next entry, I want to dedicate to my readers that are on their own journey.  In order to do that I am going to need some help from you. I need you all to please send me information about your journeys.

The following is what I am looking for:

  • Pictures, show us what you are working with they can be before pictures, they can be after pictures. They can even be pictures of helpful exercises that you have found beneficial.

  • Programs: What type of program are you doing, is it helpful are you struggling? What is it that you do to keep yourself motivated to stay on task?

  • Recipes: Are you a chef? do you have some healthy easy meals that you have been preparing and enjoying? What about snacks, what are you munching on you 5-6 times a day?

  • Exercises: What type of exercises are you doing that are easy to do that everyone can do and are beneficial. What exercises do you do that are challenging that will give everyone a good run for their money.

  • Your story: Tell me why you are on this journey, what motivates you, what can you tell others to keep them motivated.

Please Email everything to I can not wait to read everyones stories and advise.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Few Helpful Hints.

I am so pleased that every time I talk to someone they have a story of how my blog has inspired them to start working out or how they put a tip to use. So I will dedicate this blog to some healthy tips to keep everyone inspired on their journey.

  • Drink Lots of Water... My step dad has been telling me this for years, every time that we talk there is going to be two things that is guaranteed that he will say, "I love you" and "How much water have you had today". Well, Papi (what we call my step dad) I'm listening now, I had two bottles so far.  But in all seriousness, drinking plenty of water is extremely beneficial. 
    • It works as a appetite suppressant. The more water you drink the less hungry you are, and you should only eat when you are hungry
    • Drink ice cold water. Your body has to use energy to heat the water up to match your body's temp. So you are basically burning calories by simply drinking water...honestly that's such a win win situation.. 
    • Water flushes your kidneys. It gets out the waste and stored fat, when you don't drink enough water the liver becomes less effective at metabolizing fat because it hangs on to it. 

    • Eat 5-7 Times a Day... Eating 5-7 times a day might be the hardest thing to do, unless you are like some of my friends that never seem to be full, this can be challenging. However, it is quite effective if you do; just remember its 5-7 SMALL meals.

    • Cut Down Salt Intake... For those that are still living in the gates, I know this is difficult because there is nothing blander than the cafeterias food, but really watch how much salt you are putting on your food, and watch how much salt in the foods you eat period
      • What's so bad about salt? Salt makes your body hold onto the water it would normally get rid of. This makes the body stop filtering our fluids properly, and then we end up drinking less water...and that is terrible because the first point I brought up is to DRINK LOTS OF WATER.

      • Exercise... Now I know I say this all the time but really... Exercise Daily, if you can spend 20 minutes a day exercising you are on the mark!...I went to Wal-Mart the other day and bought a 10 minute kick boxing dvd that came with weighted gloves.  The DVD was on sale for about $5.99 and that 10 minute workout was GREAT there are multiple 10 minute workouts on the tape so you can mix and match the workouts. Also, my fellow Comcast customers, OnDemand has a fitness section with workout sessions you can do at home! 

      • I have a challenge for you!... This is all about a life style change, nothing short term...With that being said here is my challenge for you,  a habit is created or broken in 21 days, can you go 21 days with applying these few tips in your life? I'm up for the Challenge if you are!