My mommy

My mommy
the picture that made me want to get my life together

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I can't believe how long I've neglected you!

I have neglected this blog just as much as I have neglected my excerising.. But as I write this post this moment I am proud to say that I write with pain as I laugh and a limp when I climb the stairs.. That's right folks... I have been back in the gym and am ready to get Summer Time Fine! *How you doing* (in my Wendy voice) I even bought a new toy to make the work out even better.. an Ipod Shuffle that only music I can work out it.. and so far it has made a great difference in my quest to get back in shape and of course Summer Time Fine.. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Boot-Camp....We back at it

Remember the boot-camp that I had mentioned before that I bought off of Groupon? Well I started it this week. Today was my second session!! Let me tell you, it is intense! Its an hour of non stop (well 10-30 second breaks in between exercises) pushing your body to its limit.

However, the part that I like about the boot-camp the most is the meal plan that they send you. It's a strict 30 day meal plan that the trainer/leader Andre.. says that if I want results following the meal plan is the only way that I am going to see them. With that being said, here is my meal plan for week one!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


One of my biggest supporters through this journey has been my friend Brian... (aka.. Brit Bri). During this journey our friendship has turned into a love hate relationship... for example... I love that he is always making sure that I am on top of my game, and I HATE that he always has the annoying ability to call me right before I'm about to enter the drive thru of Popeyes and tell me to pull away.

The other night we went on our first workout... a late night run in Piedmont Park. I'm not going to lie, I was afraid.. he's quite the little workout guru... and when I asked him to take it easy on me... he laughed and said run. He did that often during the run, when I slowed down or pretended to tie my shoe, (he no judgment) he got behind me and literally pushed me until I started running again.

During  the run he kept stressing to me about the foods that I eat. Everyone says the weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise, but not Brian. To Brian he is a firm believer that it is 90% what you eat and only 10% exercise. He drilled that into during the 6 laps around piedmont park. Stressing the I need to read the labels...and despite the commercials that high fructose corn syrup puts out... I need to avoid it at all cost! "Read the Labels..Read the Labels.. Read the Labels!!" I have to make sure that I read the labels for everything that I eat. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pause... Rewind...Refresh...

Can I get a restart?... refresh button?.... Something?....Anything?

When I last wrote I mentioned that Tina had come back...and she came back with a vengeance...currently weighing in at the most I ever had in life! 163lbs This ish has got to go! So I am giving this whole thing another attempt and I'm going to give myself little deadlines to try and keep myself motivated! Current D-Day ( Spring Break... March 8th) I'd like to lose at least 5-10 pounds.

1st step in a restart... acknowledging where I went wrong:
The main reason that I am weighing in in the heavy weight category instead of the light weight is because of my diet. My diet is terrible.. sometimes I have gone days, dare I say weeks without a green vegetable in sight. Fast food became a regular meal instead of a desperate situation. Not only did my diet turn despicable,  but I also stopped exercising (bad diet)+ (no exercise)= Tiny bigger n badder than ever

How to Turn this around... 
My diet is the first thing that I am going to do to turn this around. Making sure that I have green vegetables with all my meals as well as making sure that fast food is eliminated from my food intake period. Also making sure that I am following all the advice that I have put on my blog for others to read, remembering that I am first writing for myself and have to follow my own words. That includes exercising regularly and eating 5 times a day. Making a schedule and actually sticking too it! 

New Materials Needed!
When I first started this project I had my materials, well because I'm revamping my journey this calls for some new materials. Nothing like inspiration of a fresh start with some new toys!
  • Dumbbells (5-7 lbs) I got purple ones
  • Lunch Box...I have to make sure that I am eating at least 5 times a day so I need to make sure that I pack myself some healthy snacks. The well I couldn't find anything healthy to eat excuse just isn't going to cut it anymore.
  • Plastic containers (different sizes and shapes for all the different foods!..I know I get joy from the simplest things)
  • Swim cap and goggles...I am really going to make sure that I incorporate swimming into my exercise routine. When I was younger I used to love to swim I would make my mom take me to the pool everyday and swim my butt off! It's the best exercise there is! Full body work out! 
  • Stop watch...I want to start doing some interval training so I'm going to need a stop watch to do so! 
Lets get ready tooo looooooose weeeeiiiiiiight!!!!
Wish me luck guys! and hold me accountable! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Unfortunately....I have taken quite a few steps backwards... and Tina has returned...

I have got to get this back in control!

I bought a groupon the other day.. for 30 day boot camp in piedmont park... Its time to cash it in.. and get busy.. and send Tina Packing again!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed in workout....

Atlanta has been snowed in or shall I say rather iced-in.. so one of my readers and followers a trainer has been having me do a "snowed in workout" so I only feel right to share it with my readers..

Snowed in Cardio Workout:

Snowed in Strength Training Workout: 
(He also notes to to do the strength training workout before the cardio because you burn sugar first then when u get to the cardio you are burning straight fat)
  • 150 Push-ups
  • 75 Squats
  • 75 lunges
  • 100 sit-ups
  • 250 crunches
  • this is to be done throughout the day! At your own pace just make sure you get them done!
He is always tweeting advice so follow away! @EisANVIL

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Leaving Jamaica

Hey everyone,

I am back home in the U.S. and I am actually snowed-in or rather iced-in here in Atlanta. This inspired me to visit the blog, and to reflect on my time in Jamaica.

The final week in Jamaica became more than just working out, we actually started working on our spiritual selves. We found a local Catholic Church and began going in the mornings. While there we learned about a soup kitchen that they had and volunteered to work at it.

 It was a lot of fun watching the little kids and giving out Christmas presents.

The funniest moment was when the kids were singing Christmas Carols..They have never seen snow before...nor know what any of the words really mean.. 

So cute... (bad too) lol but still cute..

In the words of the didn't end in fact she walked me 9 miles to this light house.. and then up to the top of the 100 foot light house.... With no camera so I couldn't take a picture :(